Edible Eden Baltimore Foodscapes

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  • Harvest heads when they’re at least 5 inches across (and up to 8) but before they begin to flower. Buds should be green and tight.

  • Harvest by cutting head off of stalk with a knife or shears.

  • After harvesting the top bud, lateral buds may sprout, allowing harvest to continue.


End of Harvest:

Broccoli is very sensitive to heat and will bolt, or flower. Because the part of the broccoli that we eat is the bud, when the plant flowers it is no longer harvestable. Broccoli flowers are edible, though, and make a lovely addition to salads.


  • Do not wash broccoli until you are ready to eat it.

  • Store broccoli loose in the fridge - it will keep for 3-5 days.

  • For longer storage, cop into florets, steam or blanch, and freeze in sealable bags or containers. 


Recipe Ideas:

  • Wash and cut broccoli into florets. Enjoy raw as a snack, steamed and tossed with pasta, added to a stir fry, or roasted with olive oil and your favorite spices. 

  • You can also eat the stems and leaves of the broccoli plant. Slice stems thinly and prepare as you would the florets. Use broccoli leaves like you would collards.